February 21, 2013

Aslan's Corner

Well Hi There!

Let me introduce myself. I am Aslan, as in, Aslan the Lion from The Chronicles of Narnia. I came to live in this exotic place called the Wales Apartment about 3 months ago, and I find it to be a very lovely place. My mom, Chelsea, has lots of toys for me to play with! My favorite is this big ball that smells like some kind of furry and exotic animal. Mom likes to play with me when I try and take that toy away to play with! (Note from Chelsea - This "toy" is also known as my Misti Alpaca!!!)

Since I have moved in with my folks, I have tried to exhibit my best gentleman behavior. I don't jump up on the table or the counter tops, even when there is delicious smelling food up there. However...I did slip up this week and steal some of Mom's yogurt. She was looking, too.

I generally spend my days sleeping in one of my two favorite spots. I used to favor sleeping under the amazingly big tree that Mom and Dad brought into the house and loaded up with toys for me. But since that was taken away, my favorite spot is their bed and right in front of the stairs. It is so exciting to watch the stairs and make sure that my Mom is safe while she's upstairs.

Life is good here. And I intend to keep you all up to date on my happenings.


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