January 24, 2013

What's Inspiring Me: Pinterest

Hey Everyone!

As you probably know by now, this week I released my new pattern, the Genevieve Infinity Scarf. I thought it would be cool to show you how the inspiration for this pattern struck me.

I don't know about you, but I am absolutely in love with Pinterest! That site seems to be brimming with so many ideas that you may have never ever seen in your whole life. I know it's revolutionized the way I see food! Mmmmmm...This is what I see if I go under the food and drink heading. It doesn't take much to make me salivate!

I love using Pinterest for inspiration not just for cooking, but for crochet design! I follow quite a few crocheters on pinterest who post the most interesting things. In fact, as I was browsing through one day I stumbled across a picture of this beautiful stitch pattern that I'd never seen before. It struck me so much that I decided I was going to learn how it was made so I could design with it!

And that is how the Genevieve Infinity Scarf was born!

The picture I was inspired by is actually a pattern on NaturallyCaron.com and was designed by the Lovely Kristin Omdahl! I am hoping to be able to meet Kristin on my trip to Florida this March. She only lives about an hour from my Grandparents house!

Pinterest is a never ending supply of brain stimulation. If you want to see what is currently inspiring me you can Follow Me on Pinterest!! If you follow me, I'll follow you. How's that for a deal? I can't wait to see what is inspiring all of you too!

Please leave me a link to your Pinterest page in the comments! I know I am always looking for more crochet lovers on Pinterest!

Happy Crocheting!

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