February 12, 2013

Inspired: Lifestyle Blogging

Hey Everyone!

Before I delve into my land of inspiration, I want to take a moment to introduce you to the little fuzzy creature that I spend more time with than anyone these days!

Meet Aslan, the Lion Kitty! I know I made a post referencing him a few weeks ago, but he has never been properly introduced here on the blog!

We adopted Aslan back in October, along with a female cat who we named Esperanza. Unfortunately, Esper suffered from renal kidney failure only weeks after bringing her into our homes and is now in kitty heaven. So now we are left with this big fluffy blessing of a cat who is excessively well behaved! His one downfall - He doesn't like cuddling in excess of 1 minute, and has a fierce love of play biting (it doesn't feel like play biting to me!). I feel like I completely and totally get this cat one minute...and the next he is sprinting past me up the stairs in a tizzy. Gotta love cats!

Aslan loves to sleep at his lookout perch at the top of the steps and in our bed when we aren't in it. He is going to have his own column here on the blog every week now!

Now, back to our feature presentation!

I don't know about you, but I am assuming that there are a few blogs that you follow. Maybe some of them you just are interested in the content and that is enough to keep you going from day to day or week to week. But sometimes, you run across that special blog. The one where you feel this instant connection to the blogger - like a one way bosom friend connection shared by Anne Shirley and Diana Barry in "Anne of Green Gables." Well friends, I've found my Diana. Except for the fact that she doesn't know I exist ;)

I stumbled upon The Handmade Home while I was going to school last semester. I spent so many hours on pinterest while I worked in my lab...food pins were my arch nemesis during my early first trimester! One day though, I found "The Font Snob's Favorite Free Fonts" on pinterest, and decided that the tagline was compelling enough for me to check out what this self-proclaimed font critic had to say. Well...one post lead to another...and another...and another. Ashley ("The Font Snob") made me feel like she was telling me everything that I needed to hear at that point in my life. She had just started a blog series called "The Lazy Gal's Survival Guide" and everything she wrote was music to my ears. Things are just things. HA! So easily said. It's another thing to commit to putting the purse that you bought yourself when you were 12 just because it was so pretty into the goodwill box. What if your sister would think it's just as cool? Or what if it comes back into style in a few years when....yeah. You get the picture.

Finding The Handmade Home and becoming a regular reader has really inspired me to also work harder on my method of communication. Anyone can write a blog post...but Ashley made me realize that when you can connect to the writer on their own level and find yourself smiling and laughing along with the writer, that blogging is so much more enjoyable on many different levels! I feel like Ashley could be my best friend, that I know her little pet peeves and secrets and it makes me want to chit chat back to her...I love it!

The point of this blog post is - I, Chelsea Wales, am going to strive to become a better writer to make you, my reader, LOVE reading this blog every day! My only condition to you, my dear reader, is that you tell me if you enjoy reading it or not, and maybe some constructive criticism :)

Do you follow any blogs that make you feel like you are walking parallel lives with the blogger? I'd love to hear about them! I'm always looking for some new inspiration. And I hope that you take a minute to stop by The Handmade Home!

Happy Crocheting!

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