February 08, 2013

It's Friday!

Hey Everyone!

Baby bump time!

I took this last Friday already! I meant to share it...but I guess I just forgot. Let's blame my very active pregnancy brain ;) I can't believe the first 4 months are over already! We have a midwife appointment coming up this next week on Wednesday, and are celebrating Valentines day a day early :) Last Valentines day I ended up getting terribly sick so Dustin and I postponed our plans til the day after. I don't think we will ever go out for dinner the day of...I like empty restaurants ;) ANYWAY, getting off my rabbit trail, I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat again! 2 weeks from the dr. appointment we have our anatomy ultrasound and are really hoping that baby will be compliant and let us find out if it is a boy or a girl! I'll be honest and say I'd be really happy with a little boy. My friend I see on Friday's has a 7 month old little guy and he is the SWEETEST! But...I'd be happy with a girl too!

In crochet news, I have to say I accomplished a whole lot this week! I finished the shawl that has been a brain child on the back burner since April, and designed my first pair of boot cuffs! I also took a big leap on my Etsy shop and decided to gradually start selling made to order items!

I know I shared this picture on Wednesday...but I'm so proud of this shawl. This is probably the biggest pattern I've ever written in my life so it intimidates me a little bit. But I'm so excited to get this pattern fully produced! The feeling I had when un-pinning it and seeing the lace stay exactly how I'd pinned it was the most fantastic thing. This shawl is definitely my yarn baby right now :)

My other proud moment this week was the boot cuffs I designed! I've never personally worn boot cuffs because the only boots I could afford were too small to fit around my ginormous former-athlete calves. But, I love boot cuffs nonetheless and I hope other people like mine! If I had boots that fit me I'd definitely wear them :)

When I write the pattern I'd like to have this be a short version then have a longer verison with another repeat or two of the diamond patterning. I also think that it would be nice to make a few different sizes for different sized calves. I wouldn't be able to wear this size if I had high boots!

I definitely have my pattern writing work cut out for me this weekend and next week! I also have a pair of fingerless mitts that need writing up...3 patterns produced in February wouldn't be a bad thing, right? :)

What are you crocheting this weekend? Maybe you're finishing some WIPs or starting something new? I am tinkering with the idea of making another boot cuff or two... :) Dustin and I are also going to the big Badger basketball game tomorrow with his boss and his boss' wife! We are playing against Michigan state who is apparently ranking number 1 right now. Go Badgers!

Happy Crocheting! (and Happy Weekend!)

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