February 15, 2013

Happy (Late) Valentine's Day!

Hey Everyone!

Happy Valentine's day a little late from Aslan! He enjoyed wearing his cute crocheted heart collar yesterday!

Yeah...I've been slacking the last few days! I have good reasons though, and I intend to show you them!

Wednesday, Dustin had the day off so we went up to Madison for our midwife appointment! We were in and out super quick and got to hear the very pleasant sound of our babies heartbeat! Woohoo!

And, since it is Valentine's week, Wednesday turned into our Valentine's Day. After the appointment, we went out to have lunch at Chili's. We decided on having a $20 meal combo that included a shared appetizer and two entrees. We got this outstanding onion ring and jalapeno appetizer. I wasn't 100% sure how I would feel about it when we ordered it, but the minute that I dipped my first jalapeno into the ranch dipping sauce, I was in heaven. YUM! I'd eat that again any day!

After the fantastic app came our yummy entrees. Dustin had the impressive chicken fajitas that come to your table on the awesome cast iron plate sizzling to high heaven. I dare say he enjoyed making fajita after fajita. I had one...it was scrumptious!

I on the other hand, had a difficult time deciding on whether I should order the honey chipotle chicken tender things or the chipotle alfredo chicken. I ended up choosing the alfredo. And while it was yummy, I think I would have enjoyed the chicken tender things more :) Next time I know!

After enjoying that incredibly filling lunch, we sauntered over to Starbucks to kill off some time until our movie show time. While we were there, Dustin gave me part of my Valentine's day gift...

Which we promptly opened and started eating ;) This was our second valentine's day together. Last year, this is the bag of chocolate I got:

This year's theme was quality over quantity :)

I enjoyed my chocolate with a tall coffee while Dustin enjoyed his with Passion fruit iced tea lemonaide. After 2 o'clock we got buy one get one free vanilla spice lattes. YUM! If you haven't tried their vanilla spice latte but are familiar with most starbucks drinks, it's kind of like a cinnamon dolce latte, except it has cardamon instead of cinnamon. They are tasty! (and no, I'm not paid to say that. I wish I were!)

At 4:20 we saw the movie Identity Thief on the big screen! I enjoyed the movie a lot...and that's all I will say. If you like R rated comedies, you'll (probably) like this movie!

Next comes supper. Oh, supper. YUM. Dustin and I are going to make it a tradition to visit this restaurant, Kennedy Manor, every year on Valentines day. Last year we went there and the food was just spectacular. I had their sardinian style pork and Dustin had their spinach mushroom risotto. This year, I ate their lemon salmon. The first moment I put a flake of salmon on my tongue I died and went to heaven. It was absolutely spectacularly delicious! Not to mention that the green beans and red potatoes on my plate tasted like they were fresh out of a garden. I get goose bumps just thinking about this food.

Dustin had their chicken dinner, and it was really spectacular as well. I have a feeling that there isn't one dish that isn't worth drooling over on their menu. Someday we will be able to afford their prime rib steak ;)

We ended our day out having amazing hot chocolates at Forever Yogurt. I had Reeses PB Cup and Dustin had Nutella. We decided that the peanut butter one was brighter and the Hazelnut one was mellower and how well they matched our personalities. So we have new nicknames ;) Will they stick? Who knows. But we did decide that baby is our little Walnut ;)

How did you celebrate your Valentine's Day? Do you have any long standing traditions too? Ours aren't "longstanding" yet, but someday they will be!

Happy Crocheting!

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