May 07, 2010

Spring is Here!

Hey Everyone!
I've taken a long break from blogging, and it's about time I've started updating on a regular basis again! I'm currently preparing to start school in a few weeks, I'm working on becoming certified in website development through our local Technical College. I've been doing a lot of sewing lately too! I'm currently starting on a dress for a 2 year old I go to church with who is going to a national beauty pageant representing Wisconsin!
My Make it With Wool Contest planning has also kicked in. While I was in NYC this past January, I bought all the wool fabric I needed to create my outfit. I'll be sewing pants and an unlined blazer, as well as an awesome mohair coat. I'm going to design a babydoll crocheted top out of 100% merino yarn to go under the blazer. Since my sewing skills still need a little honing, I've been making practice garments from my patterns. This picture is of a hong kong seam which will be accenting all the seams in my blazer.
Crochet designing has slowed a little bit, but I'm ready to pick up the fire again. Inspiration has really struck me lately, I'm ready to pick up my hook with lots of vigor.
I'll be writing again soon, but in the mean while,
Happy Crocheting!


  1. Chelsea,

    I've never heard of or seen a "Hong Kong seam". And still haven't seen one because there wasn't a picture. What happened? Was it supposed to be a link?

  2. Hello Chelsea-- I was at your home a week ago on a Friday night talking about Cheetah Development.

    I have your card but it does not share an email address so thought I would try to reach you through this site. I might send a note to you dad and ask him to forward it to you.

    As you recall, we talked about you putting out a request for volunteers through your home-school network and christian networks to help with Cheetah's social marketing. Here is the volunteer description: Apply for: Social Marketing Team - Cheetah Development is looking for a social marketing expert(s) to advance the world’s knowledge, understanding and commitment to helping start businesses in Third World countries. Email if interested. Luke Huebner ( is writing the social marketing plan and will have the task listed so you can pick what you want to do.
