March 30, 2008

Make Your Own Market Bag

Do you want to make your own market bag? I have been wanting to for quite some time. I feel guilty everytime I haul more useless plastic bags home from the grocery store. Well, today I finally found a free pattern for making your own market bag that I just fell in love with. This is the pattern for me.

Here is the link. I would make this bag with the larger squares so it will fit more groceries in it. If you are like me, you may need to make several to get all of your groceries home. However, even if you only decide to make one, it is sure to draw attention to your craft. Make sure you carry business cards along with you. You never know when you'll get a special order or request!

Please let me know if you make your own market bag. I'd love to see a picture and see what type of fiber you use!!


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