March 22, 2008

Economy Crochet Yarns YES!!!

A few days ago I posted an article about economy crochet yarns. I listed a variety of places to find them. Today I stumbled upon my own find.....and was FREE!!!
This is a moss green micro fiber (chenille) type of yarn. Inside the cone it says 2500 (I think it is 2500 yards/meters). This cone is HUGE!
I found this free item from "freecycle" You can google this term and find a "freecycle" group near you. The main rule with freecycle is that there is no transaction at all. The items wanted or offered must be free.
The lady that listed this yarn on freecycle said she bought it for $20 on e.bay. She planned to knit a sweater from it. Having never gotten around to using it, she is now selling her house and needs to get rid of stuff.

I am thinking this cone will make a million crocheted, beaded necklaces, bookmarks, and possibly even my bedroom curtains! Yippee!!
I love economy crochet yarns!
Please check out my website at Knit and Crochet Hat Patterns.

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