March 17, 2008

Crochet Hat Instructions

It is still cold out and we are still working on our crochet hat instructions.

Yesterday we attended our very first Crochet Guild meeting. We had a great time. It was fun to see projects that others had finished up and some works in progress. We took some donated yarn home to crochet into one of our hats. The only requirement is that the hat needs to be donated back to the community. The yarn is green with wiggly flecks and will be a nice quick project.

We also taught a new beginning crocheter how to do some basic stitches and gave her general beanie crochet hat instructions. Crochet as an art form is so much fun because it is very organic in nature. Your crochet can grow in various directions with changes wherever you wish -- it's so much fun!

We are still looking for more names in our hat naming contest, so if you haven't submitted a name for our hat yet, please post a comment and give us your idea. We will give one hat pattern FREE to the person whose name we select. You will have to look through the posts labelled hats on the blog to see the versitility of this cute hat idea. This pattern will be the first pattern we upload to our website at Crochet Hat Instructions.

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