March 13, 2008

Crochet Hat Instructions

I am still working on my crochet hat instructions. Our whole family has been sick with pneumonia, ear infections and the nasty viral coughing thing. I had planned to release the pattern tomorrow, but I am still behind schedule with needing more rest. So I am giving myself to the end of the month to finish up my crochet hat instructions. The naming contest is going to continue. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far. We have had several interesting ideas -- it's neat to get so much feedback!

If you would like to give us your idea on a name for our new hat pattern, just post a reply. You can see the versatility of this fun pattern by clicking on hats in the archives. There are lots of posts and pictures. One person -- the person whose name we select for our hat name--will win a FREE copy of our pattern.

We will have patterns up soon at our website Knit and Crochet Hat Patterns.

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